Tuesday, January 3, 2012

5 great bands

To lazy to go into detail why these bands are great, I'll do it later. I'll just post some shit now. It's not like anyone reads this shit anyway.

# 1 warpaint
Albums: The Fool
EPS : Exquisite Corpse

Best song in my opinion? Shadows

# 2 The fall of troy
Albums : The fall of troy, Doppelganger, Manipulator, In the unlikely event

# 3 The Dillinger Escape Plan
Albums Calculating Infinity, Miss Machine, Ire Works, Option Paralysis

#4 Waxeater
Albums Decent rift, Sleeper, On deck

#5 The Mars Volta
Albums de loused in the comatorium, Frances the mute, Amputechture, The bedlam goliath, Octachedron.