Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stupid Spoiled (horror)

After watching the stupid spoiled (horror) episode of south park yesterday afternoon I turned off my TV doubting that anyone that young is such a stupid spoiled (horror) (it's a lie to be honest I always think that) until I was at Casey's last night again and there were two girls that couldn't be any older then eleven or ten years old talking and the blonde one was talking about how she gave a 9th grader a beejay behind the local middle school. Such a shame.

I'm no parent....or ever want to be one...but parents raise your kid's better....

Monday, October 24, 2011

5 great albums worth checking out

1. EL-P - I'll sleep when you're dead

Best song : The League of Extraordinary Nobodies 

2. Dinosaur Jr - Where you been
    Best song : On the way

3. Cage - Hell's Winter  -
Best song : To heavy for Cherubs

4. Madvillian - Madvilliany 
    Best song : Raid

5. The Fall Of Troy - Doppelganger 
    Best song : Laces out, Dan! 

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